In 2019, God placed in My heart to begin writing "Daily Devotionals". I simply obeyed His voice and began writing Daily Devotionals, although I did not understand My drive for writing at that time. This is how our online Ministry began in 2019. I now fully appreciate this Divine Gift. Although I laid the foundation, I would proudly say it was not our ministry, but the Lord Our God Jesus Christ's. However, as time went on, I started to realize that having a website would greatly expand our reach and impact. On 5 October, I officially registered the domain for our website



I and my wife Dan were not saved when we were married in 2009. However, after four years of marriage, God Jesus Christ opened my wife's womb and blessed us with a baby boy in 2013. This was a miraculous event for us, Jesus is so gracious to us. Not only did He save us from our sins, but He also blessed us greatly with the child and filled that void in our lives. We named our son Elisha, which means 'God is my salvation', and it is also the name of our ministries. Later in 2018, Jesus blessed us with another baby boy, Isaac, the name 'Isaac' means 'laughter', which perfectly represents the joy and laughter that our children bring into our lives. We are forever grateful to God for saving us and blessing us with two beautiful children. They are a constant reminder of His love and grace in our lives. as the Bible says (Psalm 127:3) Children are a heritage of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.We are also thankful for the opportunity to share our story and faith with others through our ministry