God is our Refuge, strength and Present help

Published on 5 October 2022 at 05:00

Psalm 46:1 says “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

In this scripture we are reminded that God is our,

(1) Refuge/Shelter
(2) Strength
(3) And a very present help in our trouble/hardship.


(1) The first thing that God promises to be to us is our ‘REFUGE’ in our trouble.

The word “refuge” means ‘a place of safety and security, It’s a hiding place. God, He promises to be our hiding place. In other words, when you feel overcome with fear, call upon God and you will feel His Presence, and in that Presence, you’ll feel safer than you’ve ever felt before. Who wouldn’t feel safe in the arms of the One who created the universe, God is the hedge of protection around us, no matter what we face. He is our stronghold in the day of our distress. Make God your refuge. He is our refuge.

As the psalmist writes this psalm, the city of Jerusalem is surrounded by enemy forces, undergoing a siege. God was ultimately the walled fortress around the psalmist.


(2) The second thing that God promises to be to us is our ‘STRENGTH’ in our trouble.

The word “strength” means a ‘might’.

Isaiah 40:29-He gives power to the faint, and to those who have no might He increases strength.

He once again he strengthens us with these comforting words.

It’s for every believer today, and We should ask him for the strength We need for every minute of every day. Hallelujah !


(3) The third thing that God promises to be to us is a very present help in our trouble.

The word “very” means “exceedingly,” or “extremely.”

The word “present help "describes “God’s nearness”, the same God dwells within Us, that is to say We don’t have to go out seeking or searching for Him. He is always near, He is always a help at hand, There is no other better help than God himself. Brethren God is always in the very midst of our difficult circumstances. What comfort that brings, Hallelujah !


There are many reassuring scriptures that tell us of God’s nearness.

(a) Psalm 91:15 tells us “He shall call upon Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him.”

(b) Psalm 145:18 says “the Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon him in truth.”

(C) Deuteronomy 4:7 says “For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as the Lord our God is to us, whenever we call upon Him?”


Brethren, God remains our refuge, our strength and a very present help when we turn to Him with the greatest trust.

All I can say is put your trust in Him, He will do his part as you seek protection in him.


Hallelujah !


My Dear brothers and sisters If you haven’t accepted God Jesus Christ as your Saviour and God in your life, not tomorrow, not after a month, not after a year I would say NOW accept him (who died for your sins, iniquity and transgression) and commit/surrender your life to him and make him your God of refuge and strength as well as a help that you can always rely upon.


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